Stamping Into Acrylics - Sponge-Tree Canvas

Hello, everyone! I am back with an acrylic 5x7 canvas. For this canvas, I followed an awesome YouTube video tutorial by Angela Anderson. However, I don't want to infringe on her rights or steal her thunder, so for this post, I plan to focus on a technique that I wanted to use for this painting: stamping into wet paint. (I stamped the top and bottom, though you can really see it at the top.) If you would like to learn how to paint, I highly recommend taking a look at Angela Anderson's channel here ; for this canvas, I followed her free lesson called "Easy Acrylic Painting Tutorial - Impressionist Trees, which you can find the video here . I can barely draw most times, much less paint, but I am so thrilled with how it turned out! Seriously - if you would like to learn how to paint, Ms Anderson has a ton of beginner videos are easy to follow along! To start with, I dropped a grey and a bit of raw umber onto the canvas, and spread it around with one...